The Face Rock

A few years ago Dudley (my canine hiking companion) and I discovered a footpath while meandering the winding streets of the Hollywood Hills. The path begins at Wolf's Lair (my dream house) and ends at Mulholland Highway, just a few stone throws from our final destination, a beautiful park nestled under the Hollywood sign. About midpoint along the path is a large rock fondly nicknamed The Face Rock. Using sticks, stones and whatever, fellow hikers create an ever evolving expression on the rock. I always looked forward to rounding the curve to see what kind of mood Mr. Rock was in that day.
Found art at it's finest.
Over the years whenever passing by The Face Rock I have taken a photo with my iPhone. While deciding which of my photographs to include in the Hollywood Dell Spring Art Show, these images came to mind. I'm all about my "fancy" camera and the images I can capture with it these days. But there's something I find so charming about the rough and tumble collection of faces I had hidden away in an old iPhoto album.